Little Bunny (Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’) is a miniature fountain grass clump that grows only 12-16 inches tall and begins to turn red during the summer months. It has small bottle brush seed heads that appear during the summer. Hamelin (Pennisetum alopecuroildes’ Hamelin) is a dwarf fountain grass that grows 2-3 feet tall and has bottle brush seed heads that are larger than seed heads of Little Bunny. This size combines well with shrubs in a foundation planting or in borders, and is therefore a very useful grass. Fountain Grass grows similar to Hamelin, but larger- 3-4 foot.
Carl Forster Reed Sedge Grass (Calamagrostis acutifolia) is probably the most popular of the Reed Sedge Grasses. It produces wheat like seed heads late in spring; therefore its plumes are showy all season long. It grows to a dense clump around 5 feet tall.
Morning Lights Grass (Miscanthus sinensis) is a very attractive, fine textured grass with a silvery-green cast. It grows upright around 4 feet tall with arching leaves. Bronze red plumes turn to a cream color with age. Porcupine Grass (Miscanthus sinensis stricta) is a variegated (green leaves with distinct golden bands) spiky grass that grows 4-6 feet tall, and Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinesis Zebra) has similar variegation, but grows more in a ball and arching shape than Porcupine Grass and does not grow as tall.
Graziella Maiden Grass (Miscanthus s. Grazeilla) is a good selection of Maiden Grass that has fine green foliage with very attractive blooms in early fall that makes it an excellent selection for Northern growers.