Linwood Gold is one of the oldest varieties of forsythia, yet still one of the best; they flower best in sunny situation but will also bloom in the shade. Linwood grows 6’ to 8’ tall, and sometimes taller, but can be kept shorter with some pruning. They are a couple of new varieties that flower even more prolific bloom the Linwood Gold. They are called Show Off and Show Off Sugar Baby. Show off Grows 5-6’ tall and Show off Sugar Baby grows 2-3’ tall. They both Have flowers that cover the stems all the way to the ground. We have a limited quantity of these plants. Call for information (231) 342-0087.
The bright yellow flower of the forsythia brings signs of the beginning of Spring. They are among the first shrubs to flower in the Spring, and they flower before their leaves appear. They can be used as a single specimen or make a splash as a hedge anywhere in the yard.
Linwood Gold is one of the oldest varieties of forsythia, yet still one of the best; they flower best in sunny situation but will also bloom in the shade. Linwood grows 6’ to 8’ tall, and sometimes taller, but can be kept shorter with some pruning. They are a couple of new varieties that flower even more prolific bloom the Linwood Gold. They are called Show Off and Show Off Sugar Baby. Show off Grows 5-6’ tall and Show off Sugar Baby grows 2-3’ tall. They both Have flowers that cover the stems all the way to the ground. We have a limited quantity of these plants. Call for information (231) 342-0087.
Redbud Trees (cercis canadensis) are one of the first flowering trees that people ask about it in the early spring. “Snowbirds” see them in the southern states – often when they are traveling home form their winter vacation places in the early spring. In many Southern states, late winter to early spring time is the time they are in blossom with their beautiful pinkish-purple flowers. They are adorned with unique heart-shape leaves. Redbud (also known as Judas tree) is grown as a clump or can be grown as a single stem tree, and is usually a small tree, but can attain height of thirty feet or more.
“Minnesota strain” of Redbud are trees that have been originally collected from northern-grown seed and are propagated to endure colder weather conditions better than their Southern counterparts. They are, therefore, said to be harder in the Northern climates. I have seen older Redbud trees in our area in Leelanau County near Lake Michigan where temperatures are tempered by the water of Lake Michigan. They can be grown successfully in Northern Michigan. |
Dorian's BlogWith over 30 years of experience growing and landscaping plants, Dorian Dobias will describe some unique characteristic along with physical descriptions for over 20 groups or Genera of plants through the 2014 growing season. Many new and older Garden Center plants will be described along with some frequently answered questions about plants. Archives
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