Visit Dobias Garden Center and experience the difference!
Garden CenterShade Trees
Ornamental Trees Deciduous Flowering Shrubs Evergreen Shrubs & Trees Broad Leaf Evergreen Shrubs Fruit Trees Perennials Ornamental Grasses Small Fruit Roses Herbs Plant SalesOur plant sales are based on our present inventory with specific sizes and prices; usually the best prices will be on plants that we have in stock; although we will be glad to check out wholesale sources and give you prices on plants that we find, or the same varieties at other desired sizes.
We have two sales per month throughout the landscaping season. We have 100’s of trees, shrubs and perennials in stock! |
Why choose Dobias Garden Center?
- Healthy, hardy and well cared for plants
- Organic soil for light weight and water holding capacity
- New and different plants with several re-blooming plants
- Large number of diverse varieties for a good choice for plant selection
Many shrubs, trees and perennials are grown at the Garden Center ensuring their health and stability in Northern Michigan climates. Throughout the season Dobias travels to choice plant suppliers and hand-picks quality plants for their clients. Dobias continuously searches during the off season to bring you new and different plants. Visit the Garden Center and find out why customers prefer shopping Dobias.
Plant a tree and watch it grow!
Larger deciduous and evergreen trees have been dug this spring for sales throughout the season. Some of the trees will be planted on landscaping jobs and other sold directly to our customers at our Garden Center. Most of the trees will be” healed “in and watered with our trickle irrigation system. A well-balanced fertilizer, as well as timely pruning throughout the growing season helps keep our shrubs and trees healthy and well-shaped.
Again this year, we will be selling specialty plants such as: weeping evergreens and Japanese maples, along with plants that have been more recently introduced to the nursery trade. We also grow many varieties of perennials, ornamental grasses and evergreen ground covers along with landscape-size shrubs and evergreen.
Again this year, we will be selling specialty plants such as: weeping evergreens and Japanese maples, along with plants that have been more recently introduced to the nursery trade. We also grow many varieties of perennials, ornamental grasses and evergreen ground covers along with landscape-size shrubs and evergreen.