November in Northern Michigan. There are no exact parameters of time, but we begin planting in the spring when the weather is such that there is no deep freezing of the soil; and in the fall before deep freezing of the ground has started. Some nurseries will plant large trees throughout the winter months.
Most of our shrubs and trees are in containers making it easy to transport and plant them throughout the season. Summer planting requires extra precautions when plants are planted.
During the summer and warm temperatures when transporting plants, they will need protection from wind that can dry out the leaves. Cover the plants with a light tarp when transporting them on an open truck or trailer, or put them inside a closed vehicle or trailer to protect them from the wind. Also if possible make sure the roots and leaves of the plants are watered to prevent drying out and damage. If planting does not occur that same day, continue to keep them watered on site.
FALL IS FOR PLANTING has been a major slogan for the nursery industry for several years. Not only are plants sold at great prices this time of year, but nursery plants containerized early in the season are well rooted by late season. These plants when planted in the fall will establish and begin growing much quicker than fresh dug plants. You will often get your best value out the plants when purchased and planted during the fall.